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                                                                        For Men


 Gynecomastia is swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men, caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Nowadays you don't have to let gynecomastia keep you from feeling your most confident. With the help of a skilled, qualified plastic surgeon, you can restore a naturally masculine appearance to your chest. Today's advanced techniques allow for a short surgery, quick recovery, and virtually invisible scars. 







                                                                           For Women


The size and shape of a woman's breasts can often play a critical role in her self-image. Women who are discontent with their breast size can often feel self-conscious or even embarrassed about their appearance. Weight loss and pregnancy can leave breasts stretched, sagging, and unattractive.


We offer a variety of reconstructive and plastic surgery procedures that will give the breasts a more balanced, symmetrical look while still appearing natural and beautiful.


Breast Enhancement Options:


Breast Enlargement: Breast augmentation with implants can help  women achieve increased breast size and fullness while maintaining a natural look for a more shapely figure and boosted self-confidence.


Breast Reduction: Overly large breasts can cause physical and emotional pain. This surgery can give women an improved outlook on life by releasing them from the physical burden and reducing self-consciousness.


Breast Lift: Attain a more youthful, rounded contour when breasts sag due to weight loss, pregnancy, or gravity.


Breast Reconstruction: Restore the shape and form of one or both breasts that have been removed due to mastectomy using either implants or your own body tissue.




If you don’t see the procedure you’re looking for, just give us a call. 


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