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Changing the body's appearance is often more involved than just eating a well-balanced diet and exercising regularly. Even the strictest regimens are sometimes not enough to eliminate fatty tissues stored in the body. For many people, pregnancy or weight loss results in stretched skin that cannot return to its original smooth state.


Body Contouring Options:


The CoolSculpting procedure is an innovative way to contour your body by freezing unwanted fat away with no surgery or downtime.It gently and effectively removes fat from targeted areas of the body that have not responded to traditional diet and exercise. Patients can benefit from noticeable yet natural-looking results in their problem areas, providing an overall smoother body contour. Cryolipolysis is most effective in removing fat from the abdomen, love handles (flanks),double chin and back. 


Tummy Tuck: When diet and exercise is not enough, this procedure repairs stretched abdominal muscles and removes excess skin and fat for a fit look both in and out of clothing.





 Liposuction: Achieve a smooth, toned body contour by removing isolated pockets of fat from areas like the hips, thighs, and chin. If you're seeking a more sculpted body, liposuction can provide a slimming solution


 Body Lift: comprehensive procedure for those with sagging skin due to weight loss, particularly following bariatric procedures.


 Arm Lift: Get rid of loose, hanging skin and fat to reveal sculpted, more attractive arms.


 Thigh Lift: After pregnancy or weight loss, skin on the thighs can sag. This procedure removes and tightens the skin for a smoother, more toned appearance.


 Mommy Makeover: Combine two or more body contouring procedures to reverse the appearance of excess fat and sagging that can accompany motherhood or aging.


If you don’t see the procedure you’re looking for, just give us a call. 

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