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                    Intimate Bleaching Treatments For Men & Women


Discolorations (or hyperpigmentation) of the skin, including the vaginal & anal area,penis,scrotum ,armpits, nipple  are very common in men and women. The main reasons for this can be hormonal, hygiene and simply aging. As one starts to pay more attention to their looks “down there” many realize that they want to improve their look. All men/women, both gay and straight, can benefit from skin lightening/bleaching treatment.


Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Skin Rejuvenation is the most modern form of light-based skin therapy. By using highly pinpointed medical lasers , in a small area of the skin, particular skin issues can be targeted and corrected. The technology works by utilising medical laser technology, which causes minor tissue damage to the skin (with no pain)  which promotes far more rapid healing and faster improvement resulting in a lighter or bleached skin complexion.


The psychological impact for many people of color to lighten one’s skin in order to fit within the larger society’s definition of beauty is now more widespread than ever. Skin bleaching also symbolizes more complex psychological issues such as self-perception and self-esteem .

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