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Below are some questions many of our patients have asked about their procedures. If you have any other questions, or you would like to schedule an appointment with your doctor, we would love to hear from you.

Is plastic surgery safe ?


All surgical procedures are accompanied by a certain degree of risk, whether the procedures are for medical or cosmetic reasons. Our expert team is dedicated to making your operation go smoothly. We carefully review your medical history and current health condition before deciding if it is safe for you to proceed with surgery.

It is important that you fully disclose all pertinent information so that we are able to make an accurate assessment of the risks involved. We will take every precaution necessary to reduce the possibility of any complications during and after your procedure.


What happens during my initial consultation?


During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss your desired changes and expectations, review your medical history and current health, and make an assessment on whether the procedure(s) in question are right for you. This is a good time to ask specific questions about the procedure so that you are fully prepared, mentally and emotionally, for surgery.

Your surgeon will discuss the results that can be achieved and make sure that you understand the potential risks and complications. You will have the opportunity to review before and after pictures of patients who have gone through similar procedures.


How do I know if plastic surgery is right for me?


Several important factors come into play when deciding whether plastic surgery is the right option for you. One of the most important factors is your health. Being in good health greatly reduces the risk of complications occurring during surgery and leads to a speedy recovery.

Next, you need to ask yourself what your motivations are. People who have plastic surgery generally find that it enhances their overall appearance and self-esteem.

Third, you should have realistic expectations. Plastic surgery is both a science and an art, neither of which are perfect. Set reasonable goals as to the result you wish to achieve and be prepared to thoroughly discuss these goals during your initial consultation.


Does it matter how old I am?


Due to the variety of procedures available in plastic surgery, there can be no blanket rule on age, although age will be taken into consideration when planning your operation. People of all ages have taken advantage of the image enhancement offered by plastic surgery. There are even procedures appropriate for young children!

It is important to realize the limitations of plastic surgery. Plastic surgery cannot fix every situation or reverse the aging process. What is a good procedure for one person may not be an appropriate procedure for another. We are committed to making your plastic surgery experience a successful one.










































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