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The Office-Based surgical practice is a comprehensive, well located, conveniently adapted and equipped office in Plaines Wilhems/Mauritus that provides cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery and a host of non-surgical cosmetic treatments for men and women.


Being a board-certified plastic surgeon registered under No. 2160 of the Medical Council of Mauritus as specialist in Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery , Dr Javed Dawreeawo blends his experience and expertise to provide the highest quality care and a full spectrum of personalized services for your body, breasts, and face.He regularly participates in congresses and publications abroad.






Dr Javed Dawreeawo Plastic Surgeon Mauritius

Procedures at the office includes reconstructive as well as aesthetic surgery and other procedures including hyaluronic acid injection,botox and others.


The benefits of plastic surgery can have an impact on your confidence and your self-esteem, as well as your figure. We can reduce the signs of aging, erase the effects of cancer, revive your pre-pregnancy figure, make you look and feel younger, and reshape your body to match the newer, slimmer, healthier you.

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